

A Java library for the Open Web Net protocol

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openwebnet4j is a Java library for the Open Web Net protocol

It enables a Java client to communicate locally with a gateway supporting the Open Web Net protocol and to control devices in a BTicino/Legrand BUS/SCS system (MyHOME_Up ®) or ZigBee wireless system (MyHOME_Play ®, now out of production).

Supported features

Supported frames

Supported Open Web Net gateways

Dependency Management


This library is available via Maven Central repository by adding the dependency in your POM.xml:


Usage example

// create BUS gateway connection with IP= and password=12345
BUSGateway myGateway = new BUSGateway("", 20000, "12345");
try {
    // turns light WHERE=51 ON
    Response res = myGateway.send(Lighting.requestTurnOn("51"));
    if (res.isSuccess()) {
        System.out.println("Request successful");
    // requests status light WHERE=51
} catch (OWNException e) {...}

Projects using the library

This library is used by the BTicino OpenWebNet binding of the official openHAB 3 distribution.

For more information on openHAB and the OpenWebNet binding see:

Support this project

If you want to say “thanks!” and support this hobby project you can make a donation.

Donations will be used to buy new smart home hardware, or to get some good coffee/beer during the time and evenings spent on the project.

Example donations:
5€ “A coffee for you”, 15€ “Thank you!”, 25€ “I use it regularly and appreciate your work”, 25+€ “Could you prioritize new feature XYZ?” (specify which feature in the donation message).

Any donation is appreciated!

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