AckOpenMessage |
OpenWebNet acknowledge messages: ACK, NACK, BUSY-NACK.
Automation |
OpenWebNet Automation messages (WHO=2)
Automation.DIM |
Automation.WHAT |
BaseOpenMessage |
BaseOpenMessage class is the abstract base class for other OpenWebNet message types.
Dim |
Interface for Dim section of frame
EnergyManagement |
OpenWebNet Energy Management messages (WHO=18)
EnergyManagement.DIM |
EnergyManagement.WHAT |
EnergyManagementDiagnostic |
OpenWebNet Energy Management Diagnostic messages (WHO=1018)
FrameException |
FrameException class is used when a problem with a OpenWebNet frame occurred.
GatewayMgmt |
GatewayMgmt.DIM |
GatewayMgmt.WHAT |
Lighting |
OpenWebNet Lighting messages (WHO=1)
Lighting.DIM |
Lighting.WHAT |
MalformedFrameException |
MalformedFrameException class is used when a OpenWebNet frame is malformed (not valid according
to the specs).
OpenMessage |
Abstract OpenWebNet messages.
Thermoregulation |
OpenWebNet Thermoregulation messages (WHO=4)
Thermoregulation.DimThermo |
Thermoregulation.FanCoilSpeed |
Thermoregulation.Function |
Thermoregulation.LocalOffset |
Thermoregulation.OperationMode |
Thermoregulation.ValveOrActuatorStatus |
Thermoregulation.WhatThermo |
ThermoregulationDiagnostic |
OpenWebNet Thermoregulation Diagnostic messages (WHO=1004) used to discover Thermo devices on BUS
UnsupportedFrameException |
UnsupportedFrameException class is used when a OpenWebNet frame is not supported by the library.
What |
Class to wrap WHAT part of frame
Where |
Class to wrap WHERE part of frame
Who |
OpenWebNet WHO types.